

The school curriculum is designed to help students use "Student Learning Outcomes" (SLO) in the class room. Teachers organize course around the SLOs i.e. design activities suitable to help students achieve the SLO along with the skills (These are already planned in the SLOs Booklet and activities are planned in the teachers' planner of instructional practices). This will improve teaching learning experience. 

The entire teaching learning process has been divided into three stages 

  1. Preparing Student Learning Outcomes
  2. Aligning Classroom Activities with SLO
  3. Assessing Student Mastery of SLOs through worksheets or assignments

The self assessment forms are given at the end of the LO booklet, which will help students to assess their own learning. 

This will also help teachers to assess their planning of activities if they have been effective or need to change the strategy. 


Assessment can measure the extent to which course goals have been achieved, but only if those goals are measurable. For the most part, course goals are too broad or too abstract to measure directly. Once goals have been formalized, the next step is to translate the often abstract language of course goals into a set of concrete measurable student outcomes. 

Actively engaging students in project-based or collaborative activities can encourage students' critical thinking development if instructors model the thinking process, use effective questioning techniques, and guide students' critical thinking processes. The examples provided challenge instructors to think of students as users of information rather than receivers of information.


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