Community Outreach



Sadhu Vaswani International School For Girls also runs special classes for neighborhood slum children to whom free books, uniform, mid-day meal and educational support is provided. These children are the ones who are already going to some regular school but need support in studies. They come to SVISG after attending their regular school. The group also follows time table where besides studies, they are taught / trained for becoming ‘complete’ beings.
School has appointed a separate teacher who with the help of the school counselor organize a number of activities are organized to improve their confidence and skills. Prevocational activities such as photography, candle making are also taught. Our school children and computer teachers impart computer training to these underprivileged children. They also get training in making of handmade paper from waste paper and Paper Craft. At present there are 50 girl students in Community Service Section.

IT (Information Technology)
IT department is conducting computer classes for Sankalp students for numerous years. We conduct these classes twice in a week and we organize one class for their doubts clearance. An ICT class is also conducted for parents of Sankalp students every week in which we make them learn basic computer related operations. 
Our main motto is to provide them best technology related information and a practical demonstration on the same. We make them l
earn basic skills of computer related operations which will help provide a better livelihood and independency. Across various initiatives taken by school for a better society, this initiative is one of the pioneers in this technology driven world. 



Sindhi is recognized as one of the National Languages by the Constitution of India. Every community has the fundamental right to preserve and perpetuate its language. S.V.I.S.G., New Delhi has been working for the upliftment of Sindhi language and culture for the past 27 years. In the Academic Session 2014-15, S.V.I.S.G. students had participated in the annual Sindhi Baal Utsav, organized by the Sindhi Academy. 


The school provides vocational education for students keeping in view their needs in food preservation techniques like making og amla candies and also in cutting, tailoring and dress making. To uplift them so as to enhance their employability. Thus assisting students to enter the world of work and to help students to become productive members of the communities.





Community service, being a part of the curriculum, has been taken up by senior school students by volunteering for a variety of work. Students of Class XII ABC worked with ‘Sankalp’ group of students under the guidance of their class teachers by acting as peer trainers. They conducted sessions on :
i) Health education , cleanliness & use of toilet kit.
ii) Balanced diet & low cost diet
iii) Managing finances& consumer awareness
For conducting the above students made and showed power point presentations, used teaching aids, enacted skits, gave live demonstrations and had discussion & question-answer sessions.
The students worked as a team & gave the presentations. For better communication Hindi was used. As an interactive learning the students also learnt paper bag making from them.
Most of the Class XI ABCstudents especially those in Interact-Club were regularly involved in: 
i) conducting disaster management drills & 
ii) helping during blood donation camp
A few others taught children & adults of economically weaker sections. Some students were involved in environment related activities like tree plantation and for awareness campaigns. A handful also helped by donating old books & clothes. A few even visited old-age homes. Due to nature of activities, variable time period spent on different tasks undertaken. 


Bal Chetna Shivir was organized for the underprivileged children of the community to relax their minds, detoxify their bodies and increase their concentration and creativity by practicing various breathing techniques. 



The school arranged a workshop for the students to give them a platform to share and gain some knowledge regarding the appropriate use of their space and how they could change their surroundings to make them feel safe and warm.
Mrs. Neeru Dewan along with ten students attended the workshop. The activities in the workshop included Community Mapping to locate places, make them feel safe and identify key issues (sanitation, health and other key issues) from Architectural Perspective and Design and Model Making to have some hands on experience.
The workshop was attended by eminent architecture and planners and helped them design a better space in their future endeavors. 

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