Code of Conduct


Based on Circular From DOE No. DE23 (555)/Sch Br. /2014/1900

  1. Absence from classes without the permission of the teacher/Vice Principal/Principal.
  2.  Misbehavior towards teachers or any other employee of the school.
  3.  Disobeying lawful orders of the teacher/Vice Principal/Principal.
  4.  Bullying/Rowdyism and rude behavioris strictly prohibited inside the school premises and no such act will go unnoticed or unpunished.
  5.  Bringing unauthorized people/articles inside the school.
  6.  Bringing electronic gazette/mobile phones in the school.
  7.  Indulging in acts of moral turpitude.
  8.  Any behaviour unbecoming of a student.
  9.  Use of motor vehicle like scooty/moped etc. by a student and bringing them to school.
  10.  Theft/pilferage of school/students property.
  11.  Disfiguring or otherwise damaging the school property including laptops and desktops.
  12.  Casteism communalism or practice of untouchability.
  13.  Propagating a strike/disruption of classes.
  14.  Chewing of gum in the school building.
  15.  Disrupt the orderly conduct of classes, schoolprogrammes or other school activities.
  16.  Use of violence in any form (intentionally to injure a person or threaten to do so).
  17.  Smoking, possession and consumption of drugs (except on a prescription by a registered medical practioner which is submitted by the parent in writing).
  18. Bringing intoxicants to school, consumption of intoxicants, coercing others to bring and/or consume intoxicants.
  19.  Willfully incite others to commit any of the acts prohibited by this code.

All these above acts of misconduct are the forbidden practices. In the above acts of misconduct, Principal/HOS shall take suitable action as per observation of the disciplinary committee at school level depending upon the gravity of misconduct, which may include:

  • Oral/written warning to students and parents.
  • Detention during the break for completion of neglected class work.
  • Suspension from attending classes/school for a specified period.
  • Recovery of loss through replacement to school property due to willful damage.
  • Expulsion/rustication from school for students of classes IX to XII in rarest of rare cases.


  1.  Every student should bring her diary and identity card to school daily.
  2. Students are not permitted to leave the class without an outpass.
  3. Students are advised not to bring costly articles like gold ornaments, expensive pens, fancy watches, mobile phones, cash,cameras, etc., to the school. Students bringing such articles to school are liable to be punished and the school will not be responsible if such articles are lost.
  4. Mobile phones and other electronic items brought to school without prior permission of the teacher will be confiscated and returned after six months. 
  5. Students are not allowed to use hair colour, nail polish, mehendi and make-up.
  6. Students are not allowed to bring eatables and gifts or flowers/bouquets for their Birthday Celebrations to the school.
  7. Students who use the School Bus should follow the safety rules. The bus facility of defaulters will be discontinued.
  8. Students must obey House Captains, Monitors, Bus Monitors and other students on duty.
  9. Student are advised to get all circulars and remarks signed by their parents.
  10. The School will follow two time-tables, one regular and the other special time table during the annual events.
  11. Students should make it a habit to carry a “Toilet Kit” with them to school.
  12.  Students must help in keeping their class rooms, corridors, school building and campus neat and clean at all times.
  13. Children should not bring colours and crackers to the school. It is strictly prohibited and is liable to lead to expulsion from school


  1.  Parents are advised to carry their I-Cards with them when they visit school.
  2. Parents should not send their ward to school on off days unless they receive a written circular.
  3.  Please do not send your child to school after 8.00 a.m.
  4. Parents are requested to immediately notify the school about any change of address/telephone number to help the school handle emergencies, to maintain communication and keep school records updated.
  5.  Incase your ward, who is suffering from any chronic ailment wishes to go for excursions, you are requested to accompany her.
  6.  Parents should avoid delivering tiffin, books, projects, etc. for their wards at the reception.
  7. E-magazines are available for all sections with updated information. The link for each e-magazine is available on School’s website.
  8. questionnaire for parents is available on the Dashboard. Kindly fill the same once in a year.
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